










概况:李春玲,女,1984年生,英国诺丁汉大学博士,副教授、硕士生导师,青岛西海岸新区紧缺人才,山东省暨青岛市腐蚀与防护学会理事。主要研究领域为功能纳米防腐涂料、非晶合金及材料表面改性。近年来主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、山东省自然科学基金项目2项、校自主创新基金项目3项,国家工程研究中心/实验室开放课题2项,中国石油科技创新基金和青岛市应用基础研究计划项目各1项,同时还承担了多项企业科技攻关横向课题。以第一和通讯作者在corrosion science, chemical engineering journal, progress in organic coatings, polymer chemistry, applied surface science, journal of thermal spray technology等腐蚀防护和涂层领域内知名国际期刊上发表学术论文30余篇,以第一完成人授权发明专利3项。

u 研究方向




u 教育经历




u 工作经历



u 学术兼职

 中国金属学会会员,英国iom3协会会员,山东省暨青岛市腐蚀与防护学会理事,corrosion   science等多个学术期刊审稿人

u 主讲课程



u 指导研究生及博士后


u 承担项目


      1. 2024.05-2026.05,输(掺)氢管道阻氢涂层的研究,低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室开放课题(35万),主持,在研。

   2. 2016.01-2018.12,多脉冲强流电子束的能量累积效应对多相al-co-ce合金非晶态转变过程的影响机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(24),主持,已结题。

   3. 2021.01-2023.12,耐磨耐蚀铝基非晶合金复合材料涂层的设计、制备和形成机理研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目(10万),主持,已结题。

   4. 2016.10-2018.10,改性sio2纳米颗粒对水基泡沫稳定性影响的实验和分子模拟研究,中石油创新基金项目(18万),主持,已结题。

   5. 2014.12-2017.12al-co-ce非晶合金耐腐蚀自修复涂层研究,山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目(4万),主持,已结题。

   6. 2020.05-2022.04,海洋石油钻探用铝合金钻杆表面非晶合金及其复合涂层的设计、制备与应用研究,海洋物探及勘探开发装备国家工程研究中心开放课题(8万),主持,已结题。

   7. 2017.01-2019.12,强流脉冲电子束作用下热喷涂耐海洋腐蚀alcoce涂层的非晶化行为研究,中国石油大学(华东)自主创新科研计划项目科技专项30万),主持,已结题。

   8. 2015.02-2017.09,多相铝基合金强流脉冲电子束表面非晶化过程中微观结构对脉冲能量的响应机制研究(项目编号15-9-1-46-jch),青岛市科技计划项目(5万),主持,已结题

   9. 2015.01-2016.12,强流脉冲电子束技术制备al-co-ce非晶合金的数值模拟研究,中国石油大学(华东)自主创新科研计划项目青年基金(5万),主持,已结题。

   10. 2015.01-2016.12,等离子喷涂al-tm-re耐腐蚀非晶合金涂层的研究(项目编号2014010574),中国石油大学(华东)科研启动基金(3万),主持,已结题。


      1. 2022.12-2023.12,耐蚀合金和合金材料的环境适应性评价,中海油能源发展有限公司。

   2. 2022.12-2023.09,混输原油管道内腐蚀因素及清管动力学研究,国家管网东部原油储运公司。

   3. 2022.11-2023.11,陈庄南区地面管网腐蚀因素分析及防腐治理方案,胜利油田分公司河口采油厂。

   4. 2022.08-2022.12,涉h2s环境下井下油套管及地面碳钢管线防护涂层的研发与涂装工艺优化研究,胜利油田技术检测中心。

   5. 2020.09-2020.12,海洋采油厂弃置平台导管架力学性能和腐蚀产物分析测试合同,胜利油田技术检测中心。

   6. 2020.09-2020.12,注水管线内腐蚀产物成因分析研究,胜利油田分公司胜利采油厂。

u 代表性论文

          1. tong yan, hao jiang, wuting pang, tinglei he, meng cheng, zhikun wang, chunling li*, shuangqing sun, songqing hu*. preparation and self-healing properties of epoxy vitrimer materials based on imine bonds[j]. journal of applied polymer science, 2024,141, e55684.

   2. meng cheng, yuqi liu, hao jiang, chunling li*, shuangqing sun, songqing hu*. engineered multi-shelled hollow mesoporous organosilica for efficient pb(ii) and cr(vi) removal[j]. separation and purification technology, 2024, 346, 127566.

   3. hao jiang, tong yan, wuting pang, meng cheng, zhihao zhao, tinglei he, zhikun wang, chunling li*, shuangqing sun*, songqing hu, incomplete ionic interactions and hydrogen bonds constructing elastomers with water accelerated self-healing strengthening capacities[j]. chemical engineering journal, 2024, 489(1), 151074.

   4. zhihao zhao, hao jiang, meng cheng, shuai wang, shuangqing sun, chunling li*, songqing hu*. a multi-strategy coating for al alloy based on orientationally arranged nanosheets doped sio2 coating and corrosion inhibitor loaded porous anodic alumina film [j]. progress in organic coatings, 2024, 19, 108419.

   5. chunling li*, huang chen, hongbo wang, mingli lv, tinglei he, shuangqing sun, songqing hu. fabrication and corrosion resistance of al-co-ce amorphous alloy coating by a combined process of thermal spraying and pulsed electron beam surface remelting [j]. journal of thermal spray technology, 2024, 33, 976–991.    

   6. xinyu yuan, xiaoyan wang, songqing hu, shuangqing sun*, chunling li*, pda@uio-66-nh2-derived nitrogen and oxygen-doped hierarchical porous carbon for efficient adsorption of bpa and dyes[j]. seperation and purification technology, 2024, , 127169.

   7. wuting pang, hao jiang, shuai wang, tinglei he, huang chen, tong yan, meng cheng, shuangqing sun, chunling li*. graphene oxides enhanced polyurethane based composite coating with long term corrosion resistance and self-healing property[j]. european polymer journal, 2024, 207, 112825.

   8. hao jiang, wuting pang, meng cheng, tong yan, zhikun wang, zhihao zhao, chunling li*, shuangqing sun*, songqing hu. construction and mechanism of phase-locked structured pu elastomers with tunable mechanical and self-healing properties[j]. applied surface science, 2024, 649, 159136.

   9. fengting li#, zhikun wang#, yi zhou, lizhi li, yueqi liu, li wang, chunling li*, huafeng zhu, shuangqing sun, songqing hu*. improvement of carbon dots corrosion inhibition by ionic liquid modification: experimental and computational investigations[j]. corrosion science, 2023, 224, 111541.

   10 songqing hu, mengjia wang, pei wang, hao jiang, meng cheng, shuangqing sun, chunling li*. self-reparing coating with excellent mechanical properties by compatibility epoxy resin-loaded polyurea formaldehyde microcapsule[j]. advanced engineering materials, 2023, 25: 2201668.

   11. ling tan, xiaoyan wang, shaoke wang, xiaorui qin, linfeng xiao, chunling li*, shuangqing sun, songqing hu. degradation of methyl orange by ultrasonic fenton-like process with fe-based amorphous alloy powders[j]. new journal of chemistry, 2023, 47, 11723-11735.

   12. hao jiang, zhikun wang, meng cheng, wuting pang, yizeng mou, fanjie meng, chunling li*, shuangqing sun*, songqing hu, zhigang di, bingjie lian. . chemical engineering journal, 2023, 456: 141159.

   13. caijiao ai, dongsheng zhang, huang chen, meng cheng, hao jiang, shuangqing sun, chunling li*. facile preparation of a robust superhydrophobic sio2/epoxy composite coating with favorable corrosion and scale inhibition performance[j]. advanced engineering materials, 2023, 2201328.

   14. chunling li, xiyu zhao, meng cheng, tengfang zhang, shuangqing sun*, songqing hu*. application of hollow mesoporous organosilica nanoparticles as ph and redox double stimuli-responsive nanocontainer in the controlled release of corrosion inhibitor molecules[j]. progress in organic coatings, 2021, 159, 106437.

   15. hao jiang, meng cheng, caijiao ai, fanjie meng, yizeng mou, shuangqing sun, chunling li*, songqing hu. surface modified halloysite nanotubes enhanced imine-based epoxy composites with high self-healing efficiency and excellent mechanical properties[j]. polymer chemistry,   2021, 12, 5342-5356.

   16. fengting li, zhikun wang, yunying jiang, chunling li*, shuangqing sun*, shougang chen, songqing hu. dft study on the adsorption of deprotonated benzotriazole on the defective copper surfaces[j]. corrosion science, 2021, 186, 109458.

   17. shuangqing sun, yi fang, le zhang, chunling li*, songqing hu*. effects of aging treatment and peripheral coarse grain on the exfoliation corrosion behaviour of 2024 aluminium alloy using sr-ct [j]. journal of materials research and technology, 2020, 9(3):   3219-3229.

   18. sun shuangqing, zhao xiyu, cheng meng, wang yan, li chunling*, hu songqing*. facile preparation of redox-responsive hollow mesoporous silica spheres for the encapsulation and controlled release of corrosion inhibitors [j] progress in organic coatings, 2019, 136: 105302.

   19. shuangqing sun, hongbo wang, le zhang, yilei hao, chunling li*, songqing hu*. intergranular-stress corrosion cracking mechanism of brass in h2s environment: a dft study [j].  computational materials science, 2019, 170: 109193.

   20. chunling li, yangchao sun, meng cheng, shuangqing sun, songqing hu. fabrication and characterization of a tio2/polysiloxane resin composite coating with full-thickness super-hydrophobicity [j]. chemical engineering journal, 2018, 333: 361-369.

   21. shaungqing sun, chunling li*, qifei zheng, xiumin wang, songqing hu*. the effect of environmental factors on long-term atmospheric corrosion behavior of commercially pure aluminum aa1035[j]. materials and corrosion, 2017, 68(4): 450-457.

   22. chunling li*, pei wang., shuangqing sun, katy voisey, david graham mccartney, corrosion behaviour of al86.0co7.6ce6.4 glass forming alloy with different microstructures [j]. applied surface science, 2016, 384: 116-124.

   23. chunling li, james murray, katy voisey*, adam thomas clare, david graham mccartney, corrosion behaviour of a rapidly solidified al87.4co7.9ce4.7 layer prepared by large area electron beam irradiation [j]. applied surface science, 2014, 320: 581-590.

   24. chunling li, james murray, katy voisey*, adam thomas clare, david graham mccartney, effect of prior laser microstructural refinement on the formation of amorphous layer in an al86co7.6ce6.4 alloy[j]. applied surface science, 2014, 289: 230-236.

   25. chunling li, james murray, katy voisey*, adam thomas clare, david graham mccartney, amorphous layer formation in al86co7.6ce6.4 glass-forming alloy by large-area electron beam irradiation [j]. applied surface science, 2013, 280: 431-438.

u 专利


   1.李春玲,王洪博,孙霜青等,联合采用热喷涂和电子束重熔技术制备铝基非晶层的方法,2021.6.22, 中国, zl201910566641.6

   2.李春玲,王培,孙阳超等, 自修复涂层用微胶囊的制备方法, 2015.9.18, 中国, zl201510599720.9

   3.李春玲,王培,孙阳超等, 一种纳米二氧化钛改性丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆及其制备方法, 2014.5.29, 中国, zl201410231760.3
